Here is the final version of a YouTube video advert we have produced as part of the "Don't Sit On It" campaign.
75% of the population suffer from Haemorrhoids. Existing treatments on the market include painful rubber band operations and off the shelf creams, which are not very effective long term. We were approached to develop a campaign to raise awareness of a revolutionary new treatment that permanently removes the patients suffering.
The subject matter is very taboo, sufferers are not likely to mention it to friends or family and often feel embarrassed to visit their GP. We discovered that the fear of what they would have to undergo at the GP was the biggest barrier to seeking treatment.
Research showed us that the best way to cover a taboo subject is the use of humour. We developed the, “Don’t Sit On It,” campaign. The focus is to breakdown the stigma associated with suffering this painful condition, reach out to those suffering in silence, show them where they can seek an effective treatment and what options are available to them.
We decided that for this campaign, video was the most powerful medium to communicate this message in a hard hitting yet humorous way. The advert ran as a YouTube InStream video, alongside this we ran the same creative as a Facebook in feed video.
We targeted specific audiences that included: cycling, motorbiking, over 50’s, pregnancy, health & wellbeing and fitness. These are the primary demographics that are more likely to suffer from the condition.
The campaign directed to a responsive microsite designed to capture treatment enquiries.