More selected projects


Services Performed

  • Brand Identity
  • Idea Generation
  • Video Content
  • Video Production
  • Social Advertising
  • Creative Direction


75% of the population suffer from Haemorrhoids at some point in their life. Existing treatments on the market include painful removal operations and off-the-shelf creams, which are not very effective long term. We were approached to develop a campaign to raise awareness of a revolutionary new minimally invasive treatment that permanently removes the patient's suffering.

The subject matter is very taboo. Sufferers are not likely to mention it to friends or family and often feel embarrassed to visit their GP. We discovered that the fear of what they would have to undergo at the GP was the biggest barrier to seeking treatment.


The objective of the campaign is to develop a patient-focused message that drives treatment enquiries of the silent piles-suffering population of the UK. Associated with this, our aim is to drive increased traffic to This is a patient resource site providing treatment information and answers many of the questions that piles sufferers might have. The final objective is to provide information for both patients and GP’s about the treatment options available and where they can be found.

Research showed us that the best way to cover a taboo subject is the use of humour. We developed the Don’t Sit On It campaign. For this campaign, we decided video was the most powerful medium to communicate the message in a humorous way. The advert ran as a YouTube in-stream video, and alongside this we ran the same creative as a Facebook in-feed video. The video itself was deliberately shot in the first person, as we wanted to approach the situation from the perspective of the patient. The intention is to show that it isn’t really that scary to visit your GP and discuss your condition.

The story and script were developed with professional comedian and script writer Mike Brandon. He was presented with the brief to develop a storyline that contained a mixture of both humour and information. Mike developed a storyline that was deliberately designed to be uncomfortable, as he felt that this would be the best way of creating the juxtaposition between the message and the humour.


Because the advert is to be featured on YouTube in-stream advertising, it deliberately starts with a purposeful question - “So you’ve been too embarrassed to talk about your haemorrhoids?” The aim is to convey the subject matter immediately within the first 5 seconds before a viewer can skip the advert. Our aim is to talk directly to silent sufferers. Props play a big part in the narrative of the story, the use of extravagant and inappropriate items is used to communicate to the viewer, they needn’t worry about what will happen at the GP’s surgery.


Increase in Enquiries


Average Session Duration Increase


No. of Sessions Increase


Bounce Rate

The campaign targeted specific audiences that included cycling, motorbiking, over 50’s, pregnancy, health & wellbeing and fitness. These are the primary demographics that are more likely to suffer from the condition. We also created a handy Don’t Sit On It treatment guide that was placed in GP waiting rooms and sent directly to GP’s to prepare them for the treatment options.

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